Our customer service centers will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of the holiday. Our service centers will resume operations on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 8 AM CST. Please note that self-service options are still available via your customer portal. If you are experiencing a power outage, please call your local utility: Report an outage.

Energy Saving Tips

  • Why is it important for people in the United States to save energy? Aren't we just a relatively small part of a large planet?

    Although Americans make up only 4.5% of the world's population, we use about 19% of the world's energy!
  • How do I save energy and lower my electricity bill?

    • Extra-insulate your home.
    • Use a programmable thermostat.
    • Wear comfortable clothing.
    • Replace your air filter.
    • Lower the temperature on the water heater.
    • Balance Electricity use by using appliances strategically.
    • Save Electricity by Washing clothes in cold water.
    • Reduce Heat Waste by Checking doors and windows for leaks.
    • Check that your appliances work properly.
  • Can a smart thermostat help me use less energy?

    Yes. A smart thermostat automatically adjusts your home’s temperature to your schedule, so you’re comfortable when at home and saving energy while away or sleeping. A programmable thermostat could be a good idea if you’re away from home on a regular basis, or want to automatically lower your energy use at night. It saves energy while you’re away or asleep, and then brings your home’s temperature back to whatever level you desire by the time you return or wake up in the morning.
  • What setting should my thermostat be on to help lower my bill?

    PowerNext recommends a thermostat setting of no lower than 75 degrees when using Air Conditioning and a thermostat setting of no higher than 68 degrees when heating is used.
  • How is a smart meter different from a traditional meter?

    Traditional meter measure how much electricity your household consumes and require your Transmission and Distribution Service Provide (TDSP) to manually read it. The usage data gathered is reported to your Retail Electric Provider, such as PowerNext,to determine your usage for the month. Smart meters capture data every 15 minute , giving you consistent information about your electricity usage. As a result, action can be taken almost immediately to reduce consumption and cost.
  • Who do I contact if I have a question about my smart meter?

    Please contact the local wires company serving your area regarding specific smart meter questions. Your local wires company is responsible for transmitting and delivering electricity to your home along the electrical pole and wire .